ITACA Velocity-profile Web-Service

Sample requests

Publicly Available Data

Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-GET method, e.g. your favourite web browser:

Restricted Data (authenticated users only)

ITACA Administrators and users with special authorizations can access data intended for internal use and/or embargoed.
Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-POST method, e.g. CURL:

HTTP-POST variables (required)

Option Description
messageThe clearsign token obtained from the generate-signed-message authentication webservice.

Query options

Option Description Default
networkInsert one or more ITACA network codes. Multiple network codes need to be comma-separated.n/a
stationInsert one or more ITACA station codes. Multiple station codes need to be comma-separated.n/a
locationInsert one or mode ITACA location codes. It must be valid ASCII or * or ?.*
preferred{preferred,all} Insert 'preferred' to obtain only the preferred profile or 'all' for the whole profiles associated to the station.preferred
plot{yes,no} 'yes' to obtain the plot of the profile, the results will be archivied in a zip
format{csv,xml} Output format of the results.xml
outfileOutput file name.output


Backend Python software used by this web service is developed and maintained by Felicetta C. and Russo E.