ITACA Fault geometry Web-Service

Sample requests

Publicly Available Data

Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-GET method, e.g. your favourite web browser:

Restricted Data (authenticated users only)

ITACA Administrators and users with special authorizations can access data intended for internal use and/or embargoed.
Data can be obtained using any program supporting the HTTP-POST method, e.g. CURL:

HTTP-POST variables (required)

Option Description
messageThe clearsign token obtained from the generate-signed-message authentication webservice.

Query options

Option Description Default
output-formatSpecify the format of the output file.
Available format are 'json','text', or 'shapefile'.
output-fileFilename of the output file.output
empirical-faultSpecify if construct the empirical fault or extract the geometry from db, if available.
indentPrettifies output setting a 4 spaces indentation style. Valid only in combination with 'json' format.

CRITERION 1: to obtain the fault geometry associated to an ITACA event.

Option Description Default
eventidITACA event-id.n/a
includeallfaultsSpecify if all fault geometries for the event should be included and not only the preferred one.

CRITERION 2: to construct an empirical fault for an ITACA event considering its hypocentral coordinates and moment magnitude value.

Option Description Default
strikeValue of the strike-angle.n/a
dipValue of the dip-angle.n/a
rakeValue of the slip direction.n/a

CRITERION 3: to construct an empirical fault for a generic coordinates.

Option Description Default
strikeValue of the strike-angle.n/a
dipValue of the dip-angle.n/a
rakeValue of the slip direction.n/a
nucleation-latitudeLatitude of the nucleation point in decimal degrees.n/a
nucleation-longitudeLongitude of the nucleation point in decimal degrees.n/a
nucleation-depthDepth of the nucleation point in kmn/a
magnitudeValue of the magnitude.n/a

CRITERION 4: to construct a fault geometry from reference point.

Option Description Default
upper-right-latitudeLatitude of the upper left corner of the fault (according to strike and dip values) in decimal degrees.n/a
upper-left-longitudeLongitude of the upper left corner of the fault (according to strike and dip values) in decimal degrees.n/a
fault-lengthLength of the surface projection of the fault [km].n/a
fault-widthWidth of the surface projection of the fault [km].n/a
z-topDepth of the fault top [km].n/a
strikeValue of the strike-angle.n/a
dipValue of the dip-angle.n/a


Backend Python software used by this web service is developed and maintained by Felicetta C. and Russo E.