ITACA Fault Geometry Web-Service

The ITACA Fault Geometry Web-Service allows i) to obtain the parameters of a fault associated with an event archived on the ITACA database; ii) to construct a virtual fault for an ITACA event; iii) to construct a virtual fault starting from a generic point.
In the last two cases, the subsurface rupture length and the downdip rupture width are evaluated from empirical correlations with magnitude and style of faulting (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994) and the fault geometry is constructed around the nucleation point fixing the nucleation depth at 2/3 of the width and at 1/2 of the fault length (Kaklamanos et al., 2011).

A complete list of supported options and usage examples is available in the query-options webpage.

Kaklamanos J., Baise L. G., Boore D. M. (2011) Estimating Unknown Input Parameters when Implementing the NGA Ground-Motion Prediction Equations in Engineering Practice. Earthquake Spectra, vol. 27-4 p. 1219.
Wells, D. L., and Coppersmith, K. J. (1994) New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 84, 974–1002.

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Feature Notes


Backend Python software used by this web service is developed and maintained by Felicetta C. and Russo E.